Archer's Brigade in the American Civil War
A collection of regiments from Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia and Maryland, Archer's Brigade formed a very substantial part of Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia. They fought from First Manassas through to Appomattox and were at the centre of each major battle in which they participated from Hill's divisional march out of Harper's Ferry to Antietam, amongst the first troops on the first day at Gettysburg; the centre of the Confederate attack on the third day at Gettysburg towards the Union lines as a part of the Pickett, Pettigrew and Trimble assault; the fighting in the Wilderness and Spotsylvania through to the siege of Petersburg and the final campaign to the surrender at Appomattox.
Other sites devoted to Archer's Brigade and the regiments on the internet - a short history of the brigade and list of those sites related to the brigade are listed
1st Tennessee Rosters by Judy Phillips
Rosters of companies from Moore County, Tennessee, in the 1st Tennessee
7th Tennessee Infantry from Sumney County
The Archer Memorial Library has produced several booklets on the Civil War and these are available at this website.
Visit my next page: Civil War Books at the Archer Memorial Library which includes research information on the brigade as well as other books and reference material on links between Australia and the Civil War
For further information contact Barry via email
Updated in May 2000
© Archer Memorial Civil War Library & ACWRTA, inc.